Daily Devotion
Each morning begins with Daily Devotion, where students invite the Lord to walk with them throughout the school day. Students engage in Christian Religious activities including prayer, recital of Christian pledges, Bible passage readings, etc.
Abeka Education
General Education subjects are taught using Abeka Education as the primary foundation. Abeka Education is a comprehensive, biblically-based learning curriculum that enables students to learn, apply, and master new concepts and skills.
Positive Action for Christ
Bible study is taught in grades PK-8 in alignment with the Positive Action for Christ Bible Curriculum.
'Learn It'
In partnership with 'Learn It' Academic Services, extra assistance is provided for struggling students and students with special needs to help them succeed academically.
General Education
Students learn the fundamentals of each essential subject area to ensure a well-rounded education.
Subjects include: Math, Social Studies, Science, Spelling, Reading and Language Arts, etc.
Extracurricular Activities
Students have the option to participate in a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities including (but not limited to):
Chess Club
Art Club
Chapel Services
Ask about our other offerings including:
ESE & Speech Language
Title 1
2800 R.J. Hendley Avenue
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
Mail: loveandwisdom2@bellsouth.net
Tel: 561-842-1349 or 561-881-8015
Fax: 561-841-5819